WOD #7: Total Body Cardio Circuit

The month of February is all about heart health. I want to challenge all of you to commit to working out at least 4 days every week this month to help improve your cardiovascular health. Are you down for the cause? If so, tag me on Instagram or Facebook and use the hashtags #lifexerin & #HealthyHeartChallenge so we can keep each other motivated and accountable!


Today’s workout is coming with a video that’s at a slower pace than the usual clips you see on my Instagram. I set up my circuit at the local track I use, but you can definitely complete this workout inside as well. I used equipment for most exercises, but I’ll provide an alternative in case you don’t have the materials!



Bosu Ball

Jump Rope



1.Curl and Press: If you don’t have access to a dumbbell try something like a moderately heavy book. Focus on your form even though you may be improvising.

2. Lateral Bosu Hops: No Bosu, no problem! Opt for a low box or bench. Make sure it’s a safe height for you, and complete the same movement you see in the video. You can also perform lateral jumps on a flat surface without equipment.

3. Jump Rope: Jump and move your arms without the rope if you don’t have one.

4. Figure 8: Use a gallon jug of water for this one!

5. Defensive Shuffle/High Knees/Butt Kicks/Back Pedal: For exercises 5-8, utilize the space you have. I set my cones about 15 feet apart. If you have a smaller space to work with, you can double the amount of rounds you do with these moves.

Below, you can watch the video to go along with the description!

Share this post & video with your workout partners, and be sure to join me in the #HealthyHeartChallenge this month! I can’t wait to see you guys working hard to be healthy.

If you want to stay connected and join The Tribe, subscribe below 🙂

Have a great workout & a wonderful day!


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